Guide the Muallaf

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

On last Sunday, we were celebrating Eid el-Adha 1440h (11th August 2019)
It was an impromptu plan when i joined my friend to perform Solat Sunat Eid el-Adha in the morning
We were supposed to go jogging as planned few days ago
because we didn't know either Sunday or Monday would be Eid el-Adha

Once announced Eid el-Adha was on Sunday,
we changed our plan from jogging to performing Solat Eid 😁

Honestly, it was my first time as usually i only go to Masjid for Solat Eid el-Fitr
What a blessed day to be there
Listening to the Takbir, so calming

Long story short, there was a lady sitting infront me,
guess what she did?
She was on video call with a guy (might be her husband) and without using earpiece/headset
everyone looked at her but she ignored, just imagined we lost focus of that video call's noise

She was wearing:
Make up
Beautiful nail polish,
Can-see-through white socks
Kain telekung like wearing long skirt

All of these made me wonder who was she
she looked like in need of help
she was not alone, she was with her friends but her friends were all well-behaved

When Solat Eid was done, finally i could hear their voices
 talking to each other
Oh myyy! They were chinese, Muallaf
Allahu Akbar

I felt kesian, mereka muallaf tapi seolah-olah no one ajar mereka secara mendalam tentang Islam
apatah lagi dalam ibadah
Bayangkan waktu solat, mereka toleh kiri kanan
maybe they was not sure what to do 😓

At the same time, I felt proud of their effort too for coming to Masjid, trying to Solat Eid, 
raising their hands when Doa,
they looked at us to refer when to raise hand, when to say 'Amiin',
some of them helping each to other to fix the telekung when their hair came out of it
 If i was given a chance, i would like to teach and guide them more about Islam
they need the knowledge and practice
I planned to approach them after the Khutbah
but they went out of Masjid right before the Khutbah started

We as the Muslims should guide them,
Let them feel comfortable to be around us even the were still new
Muallaf (The Converts) are our sisters and brothers

Anyone who knows Muallaf who is/are in need of a Muslim teacher,
you may contact me via DM/email,
let's have a talk and arrange the schedule.
Don't worry, it's FREE. 
No charge as long as you are willing to learn.
I can teach you the basic knowledge to perform Solat and reading Al-quran too.

Sending LOVE to all Muallaf (The converts) 💓



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