My Cash Register Machine Story

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Since i was a kid, I'm attracted with this cash register machine
Everytime i went to any shops, i would look at the cashier's hand clicking the register's buttons,
the sound of the cash register's buttons, opening & closing the drawer, printing receipt,
ohhh so nice!

This is exactly what i mean 😍

But nowadays, it becomes modern where most of the shops using the scanning one
I still like the classic one though
and i wish to have one too hahaha

When i was like 10 years old or below,
my siblings and i were always playing as a seller or buyer whenever we got free time on Sunday
Barang yang kami jual ialah all the toys we had that time haha
Duit? At first we used Saidina Game's notes but then it was not enough
So what we do was, kami buat sendiri dengan kertas dari buku sekolah that we didn't use anymore
we cut the paper and jadikan mcm cash notes in rectangle shape,
then we just wrote $1, $5, $10, $50, $100
we divided the money into each of us yang joined playing sell/buy on that day,
after that started the business with mom/dad's calculator,
no calculator no worries,
we could just calculate it manually 😂 

Rindu all those moments though!

Who invented the cash register machine?
James Ritty

Why he invented it?
When he was traveling, he looked at the apparatus counting how many times the ship's propeller (spiral blades) went around. He got fascinated with it and started to make a similar one to record cash transactions instead as he was Saloons' owner.

Interesting to know this, you guys can find more in Google

Now, let's see some cash register machine from classic to modern:

These are just some of it, for the modern type, it's different if it's for restaurant/cafe

From all of these three, i would like to have the second one 
as it still has the sound of clicking the buttons compared with the modern (screen touch version)
and ofcourse i would be the cashier once i got that haha
That's my wish to have my own shop and become the cashier
In shaa Allah, it will come true! Amiiinnnn

Done dreaming of having this cash register machine,
Let's just start achieving the dream 💓



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