
Showing posts from July, 2019

Ayam Masak Tomyum (Chicken in Tomyum paste)

هذا من فضل ربي This post, i would share this recipe originally by me.  How this happened? I was out of idea at that time, i didn't know what to cook lunch for my family At the same, i didn't wanna make a soup for that day but i need to cook faster as it was about few minutes to 11am already Abit craving for sour foods Then tadaaaa! Ayam Masak Tomyum without soup hahaha Bahan-bahan   (Ingredients) : Bawang merah (Shallot) x5* Bawang putih (Garlic) x3* Bawang Holland x1 Ayam (Small cut of chicken) x8 - 10pcs Cili padi (Bird's eye chili) x5 Limau kasturi (Calamansi Lime) x2 Tomyum cube x1 Tomato x1 Cherry Tomato x3 Daun limau purut (Kaffir lime leaves) x2 optional Serbuk Kunyit (Turmeric powder) - for the chicken cuts Cooking oil Sugar Salt *Bahan kisar (Mix and blend) Cara masak  (Instructions) : 1) Gaulkan Chicken cuts dengan serbuk kunyit dan put abit salt, then fry the chicken cuts 3/4 cook, jangan terlampau garing. Lepas masak, p

Salted Egg Ayam Penyet

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I was scrolling down photo gallery and i found this! Been eating this few times at their restaurant in Menglait Ok, let me introduce this: Salted Egg Ayam Penyet (with rice) If you guys love to eat Ayam Penyet, this one is an upgraded one la for me YES IT'S NYAMAN! Not too sweet and not too salty I recommend you to try this My first time trying this one was 2 years ago (2017 if I'm not mistaken) when it went viral I was not familiar with that place, sasat jua lah pusing-pusing haha but at the end, i found the restaurant It's just a small restaurant but has a nice ambience ada some classic decorations on the wall and ofcourse, it's neat and clean  ______________________________________________________ DETAIL :  Food's name: Salted Egg Ayam Penyet (With Rice) Price: B$6.00 Restaurant: Siti Rabiah Restaurant, Menglait Country : Brunei Darussalam _________________________

My Cash Register Machine Story

  السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Since i was a kid, I'm attracted with this cash register machine Everytime i went to any shops, i would look at the cashier's hand clicking the register's buttons, the sound of the cash register's buttons, opening & closing the drawer, printing receipt, ohhh so nice! This is exactly what i mean 😍 But nowadays, it becomes modern where most of the shops using the scanning one I still like the classic one though and i wish to have one too hahaha When i was like 10 years old or below, my siblings and i were always playing as a seller or buyer whenever we got free time on Sunday Barang yang kami jual ialah all the toys we had that time haha Duit? At first we used Saidina Game's notes but then it was not enough So what we do was, kami buat sendiri dengan kertas dari buku sekolah that we didn't use anymore we cut the paper and jadikan mcm cash notes in rectangle shape, then we jus

Ikan Patin (Silver CatFish)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته This is ' Ikan Patin ' It's famous in Malaysia and usually cooked in fermented Durian Paste I've tried this at Bangi, Malaysia in 2017 , I forgot the name of the restaurant though All i can say, delicious for those who can eat Durian and Tempoyak Back in Brunei, i googled it and found it's a kind of catfish It's Silver Catfish I've never found it here until this year, i went to Huaho Supermarket, Serusop Branch, and i saw IKAN PATIN! I'm not sure it's actually sold widely in Brunei or i'm the only one who never know all these while Hahahahaha I didn't buy it because my mom refused to eat it LOL I feel strange too for being 1st timer looking at it, it looks like a cat and like 'ikan keli' My mom never cooks 'Ikan Keli' at home and she never buys it i wonder why  Different family, different lifestyle, different food I post this one to let know

Pembuka Doa Mustajab

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I just wanna share this info that i just found it from a video in instagram Credit to @mahadibz He is famous with his tagline:  " Hang sempoiii " " Jom berjaya Dunia Akhirat " Familiar with that? Then i would say: "Hang sempoooiiiiii"  Ok, i learnt few things how to Doa properly Sebenarnya, ada adab berdoa supaya doa mustajab In shaa Allah There are also perfect timings to make Doa like: Waktu Tahajjud Hari Jumaat selepas Asar Sebelum berbuka puasa Waktu hujan turun etc I will share more about those next time So, back to adab berdoa Honestly, before knowing this, i just doa macam tu saja Y'know like baca Al-Fatihah lepas solat then bacalah doa then i close the doa with "Rabbana Aatina fidduna hasanah..." and selawat I realised i pray without 'feeling' asal submit doa sahaja Supposed to be, we have to puji memuji Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala d