Changing Lifestyle Formula

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Do you already know about this formula?
21 days and 90 days formula

It takes 21 days to turn it into habit
and 90 days to make it as lifestyle

So anything you do consistently in 21 days,
it will become your habit
and if you do it consistently in 90 days,
it will turn into your lifestyle

Take this formula to change yourself to be better

If you do good deeds in 21 days, it will become your good habit
while if you do bad thing in 21 days then it will turn into your bad habit

For example:
Anyone who is struggling right now to perform Solah 5 times/day without missing,
try do it consistently in the 1st 7 days of 21 days formula
If you succeed, the proceed with the 2nd 7 days onwards.

Then if you are able to do it consistently 90 days,
Congrats! It becomes your new lifestyle

Another tips, please make sure you have a good circle.
Go find your good friends to surround you,
avoid your self from bad friends,
so you can focus on changing your new good lifestyle.
إنما الأعمال بالنيات
(Sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan itu dengan niat)

Jadi, apapun yang kita buat, pasti ada niat di hati.
Niat baik mahupun buruk, masih niat.
Jauhkan dari berniat buruk, sentiasa berniat yang baik
kerana yang baik akan dapat yang baik.

Buat kebaikan dengan istiqamah 21 hari berturut-turut supaya ia menjadi kebiasaan kita,
90 hari berturut-turut pula menjadi cara kehidupan kita

Jika susah untuk istiqamah,
berdoalah dan mintalah pada Allah agar dipermudahkan untuk istiqamah
Berubah itu memang ada dugaannya,
kerana dari situlah menduga keikhlasan dan kesabaran kita.

This formula can also be applied to your other lifestyle,
like healthy lifestyle, diet, sports,
reading, gardening, cooking, etc

Never give up in changing your new good lifestyle!
It's just few steps more to success



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