
Showing posts from June, 2019

Changing Lifestyle Formula

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Do you already know about this formula? 21 days and 90 days formula It takes 21 days to turn it into habit and 90 days to make it as lifestyle So anything you do consistently in 21 days, it will become your habit and if you do it consistently in 90 days, it will turn into your lifestyle Take this formula to change yourself to be better If you do good deeds in 21 days, it will become your good habit while if you do bad thing in 21 days then it will turn into your bad habit For example : Anyone who is struggling right now to perform Solah 5 times/day without missing, try do it consistently in the 1st 7 days of 21 days formula If you succeed, the proceed with the 2nd 7 days onwards. Then if you are able to do it consistently 90 days, Congrats! It becomes your new lifestyle Another tips, please make sure you have a good circle. Go find your good friends to surround you, avoid your self from bad friends,

Ayam Masak Kicap (Chicken In Soy Sauce) Ver.1

هذا من فضل ربي I would like to share the recipe for Ayam Masak Kicap, there are few recipes for this so i just make it as version 1 onwards la haha. This one is about 7 pcs of chicken cuts sahaja, so if you want to cook more than that, just adjust the ingredients. Bahan-bahan : Bawang merah (Shallot) x5* Bawang putih (Garlic) x3* Ayam (Small cut of chicken) x7 Kayu manis (Cinnamon) x1 Bunga lawang (Star anise) x1 Buah Pelaga (Cardamom) x2 Bunga Cengkih (Clove) x2 Lada kering kisar (Dried chili paste) Cooking oil Daun bawang (Leek) Seafood sauce Sweet soy sauce Salty soy sauce Sugar Salt *Bahan kisar Cara memasak : 1) You have to fry the chicken cuts first, separuh masak sahaja. Tidak perlu sampai garing then put it aside. 2) Panaskan minyak, kemudian tumiskan bahan kisar (Bawang merah & putih)  hingga naik bau. Masukkan lada kering kisar dan tumis. 3) Masukkan kayu manis, bunga lawang, buah pelaga, bunga cengkih

The need of LOVE

Does everyone need LOVE? Does LOVE important? Do we need to show our LOVE? Why we need LOVE? Why we need to be LOVED? Love is not just about between two lovers, it is more than that. Love from our Creator, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and our love for him Love from our family and our love for them Love from our partners and our love from them Loving other people Loving our jobs, activities, hobbies Loving the animals and many more YES! LOVE IS IMPORTANT Without love from our God, our lives would be miserable With Allah's love, we can live happily and we know He always there for us As His servant, we must show our love too by performing obligations Without love from our family, we would feel lonely When we feel lonely, we would find others That is why some children are not staying with their family, they prefer more to spend their time with their friends. We must have love to our family and show it to them


 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته For the first post, i would just talk a bit about the author which is my self. I would be sharing my thoughts, ideas or even recipes/recommendation and so on. And don't be surprised that i would mix my writings with 3 languages 😆 Well, writing can improve my self and let out what is in my mind. I choose to write in a positive way, as positivity will attract positivity. Sometimes i just can only keep it to my self to avoid hurting one's heart, so what i do is, writing down my opinion or views about it. It can stop me from overthinking. I write to share, Sharing is like giving, Giving is like helping. Welcome aboard BYNH10 ship of writing I wish you an enjoyable journey of reading! __________________________________________________________ Sincerely, BYNH10